Sincere Appreciation
Dear Sirs,
My name is Shelley Haskell, I am the sister and Guardian of Mr. Jose C. Pollard (2Blue 208). Jose has been a resident at Washington Center since March 2019. I’m writing this letter express my sincere appreciation for some of the staff members/care team assigned to him in their professional capacities.
Ms. Jamie Garcia was the first person I met with during the admissions process for my brother. She was very welcoming and at that point, I knew I had made the right decision to choose the Washington Center for Jose. She made what was a very difficult process less stressful. She even let me cry a little and then gave me a very reassuring hug. That day Jamie was exactly what I needed and I am forever grateful for her compassion. She explained everything to me to the point that I only had a few questions. Jamie is a breath of fresh air and is truly an asset to Washington Center.
Ms. Elaine Farrar is Jose’s Social Worker and has been very responsive in helping me navigate through the various components of his residency such as, his medical provisions, understanding the realities of his condition, contact names for services, and she is always available to answer any questions that I may have.
Ms. Tafauria Williams is my brother’s dietitian. From the first day I met with Ms. Williams, I was extremely pleased and comforted by her genuine interest in Jose’s diet. In addition to his very limited mobility, he couldn’t chew certain foods due to his dental structure. When he first arrived, he would only drink the nutritional supplement Boost, three times a day and maybe a banana. It was a challenge to get him to eat solid foods. When he arrived at Washington Center, he was very frail. I had a sit down with Ms. Williams and shared with her Jose’s love for Grilled Cheese sandwiches. This meeting was around 11:00 one morning. Very shortly after we talked, she went down to the kitchen and asked if they could prepare a sandwich for him. They did and my brother was delighted. He ate them every day for a period and since then. Ms. Williams has been able to convince Jose to eat other things which has enabled him to gain some much needed weight. I’m so grateful for her.
She really cares. I can feel it when I talk to her. It is people like Tafauria Williams that help me not to worry when I leave him after a visit. I know that he’s going get the nutrition he needs.
Ms. Lisa Jones is another staff member who shines. The energy that comes from Ms. Lisa is uplifting and her voice is calming to my spirit. No matter the task, she does it with a willingness and enthusiasm to make sure the residents of 2BLUE are cared for. She always answers my many, many questions. She understands Jose’s condition and has given me coping tools to understand his condition. Some days when I visit, she can tell that I‘m feeling a little helpless but I then see strength in her eyes and my spirit is lifted which enables me to be at my best when I visit him.
Ms. Calvin Ann Heath lights up the room when she enters it. She is another 2BLUE superstar. Ms. Calvin, has the intuitiveness to know when I’m struggling because my brother’s condition can be overwhelming sometimes. She’ll just give me a hug and it make things so much better. These staff members on 2BLUE really have a gift. These are NATURAL abilities. You don’t get these skills from a book. You have to want to do this. Ms. Calvin knows exactly how to reach Jose. Her experience with stroke victims and dementia residents is phenomenal. She has been able to get him out of his bed, sit in the community room with other residents and, she’s been able to get Jose to participate so many more activities. Again, these gifts don’t come from a book, Ms. Calvin was born with it. She gave some priceless advise one day when I was telling her that our mother had passed way in November of 2018, and in January 2019, I had to assume the responsibility for Jose. She said “Shelley if you get worn out and sick, you can’t take care of you, and you won’t be able be the best you can be for Jose. Get the rest you need and we (meaning the 2BLUE team) will make sure your brother will be alright. “
I believe it was perfect timing on one day that I was visiting my brother, Washington Center had surveyors there. I made a point to tell them that I was pleased with Jose’s nursing team and his everyone else who is tasked taking care of him. There a too many nurses to name but I respect and appreciate everything they do.
Gentlemen, we’ve all heard horror stories about loved ones being abused in nursing homes. As you can see, this definitely not one of them. These ladies are rock stars in their profession and I wanted you all to know it. I commend them. I’m overwhelmed with gratefulness for their efforts.
I hope they all be rewarded their outstanding services.
With much appreciation,
Shelley Haskell